Life Insurance Blog

Can I Extend My Term Life Insurance Policy?

Term Life Insurance Quotes Get term life insurance quotes in just a few clicks. No personal information required Get Quotes This is a question we are asked quite often, typically when we are doing annual policy reviews with our clients. The answer …

Why People Put Off Buying Life Insurance

Many families put off buying life insurance for various reasons. The excuses that come up are usually the same. Purchasing life insurance may not seem like a high priority at the moment, but life (and death) happens unexpectedly. When you put off …

Long Term Disability Insurance from MassMutual

Long-Term Disability Insurance Get Answers to Your Disability Insurance Questions and Get Your Free Quote Today GET QUOTE NOW Long term Disability Insurance (LTD) is insurance coverage that protects your income in the event you become disabled …

What is the Accelerated Death Benefit?

For most people, their primary reason for purchasing life insurance is to provide funds to their surviving loved ones to reduce the financial stress that the loss of your income is likely to cause. Some people purchase life insurance for more …

I’m Good – I Have Life Insurance at Work

Work Life Insurance Policies Check Term Insurance Rates Now! GET QUOTES! As an independent insurance agent, I cannot remember how many times I’ve been told: “I’m good. I’ve got life insurance at work.” When I say I …

5 Reasons Freelancers Should Have Disability Income Insurance

Protect Your Income with Disability Insurance GET QUOTE NOW The term freelancer is an unusual moniker for someone who is self-employed, but it is used widely to describe that large group of workers who have issues with traditional employment. …

What is a Life Insurance Ladder?

Term Life Insurance Quotes Get term life insurance quotes in just a few clicks. No personal information required Get Quotes When you purchase a life insurance policy, you are essentially providing your surviving loved ones with a financial safety net …

Long-Term Disability Insurance Riders Explained

DISABILITY INSURANCE RIDERS EXPLAINED Get Answers to Your Disability Insurance Questions and Get Your Free Quote Today GET QUOTE NOW Fundamentally speaking, a disability income insurance policy helps to replace your income if you become disabled and …

Life Insurance with a Felony Conviction

When applying for fully underwritten traditional life insurance, most insurance carriers are going to inquire about any felony convictions you may have had in the past. It makes sense – if a life insurance company is willing to check your motor …

Disability Insurance for Sales Professionals

Protect Your Income with Disability Insurance Get Free and Confidential Plan Comparisons GET QUOTE NOW! How much is your sales income worth to you? Whether you work on commission or salary, your life would most certainly be impacted greatly if you …