Guardian Life Insurance Company | Review

Last Updated: August 15, 2024

Guardian Life Insurance Company


7 Hanover Square H-26-E New York, NY 10004 (212) 598-8000 Company Website:  http:/ Note: This is not the web page for Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. We are an insurance agency that represents them. If you have questions on a current policy, need service, or have questions on your premium or a claim, please go to the Guardian Website or call Guardian’s customer support line at (888) 482-7342. If you are a policyholder, please feel free to contact us.

About Guardian Life Insurance Company


guardian life insurance logo

Founded in 1860, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY (Guardian) is one of the largest mutual life insurance companies in the United States. As of December 31, 2018, Guardian and its subsidiaries had $73.9 billion in assets (on a consolidated statutory basis), all the while providing outstanding customer service to over 27 million customers. With close to 3,000 financial representatives and 80 agencies nationwide, Guardian and its subsidiaries protect individuals, small business owners, and their employees with life, disability, health, long-term care, and dental insurance products and offer 401(k), annuities, and other financial products and trust services. Specializing in the small to midsize business market, Guardian’s Group business unit serves more than 120,000 employers, 6 million employees, and their families.

Guardian’s Financial Ratings


We understand completely how important it is to purchase life insurance and financial products for the lowest price possible. We also believe that most people and businesses will agree that doing business with a financially stable company that can honor its promises far outweighs saving a few dollars on the products you purchase. Since the company’s inception, Guardian’s management team has taken a conservative approach to life insurance and financial products and has been awarded with top ratings from national rating companies.

Rating ServiceCompany Rate
A.M. BestA++ Superior
Standard & Poor’sA++ Very Strong
FitchAA+ Very Strong
Moody’s Investors ServiceAa2 Excellent
COMDEX Score98 out of 100

Insurance Products offered by Guardian Life


Guardian Life Insurance is committed to offering insurance and financial products that will accommodate the needs of individuals, families, and businesses, and as such, they provide a comprehensive portfolio of life, health, disability, and specialty products.  

Term LifeDentalAnnuitiesVoluntary Plans
Whole LifeVisionIRAsSupplemental Health
Universal LifeAccidentInvestmentsCollege Tuition Benefit
 Critical Illness  
 Cancer Insurance  
 Hospital Indemnity  

Term Life Insurance


Life insurance shoppers who are looking to purchase a large death benefit insurance policy with very affordable rates should always consider Term insurance as a solution. Guardian offers affordably priced Level Term Insurance with policy terms of 10, 15, 20, and 30 years. All of Guardian’s term policies are convertible, which allows the policyholder to convert their temporary coverage to a permanent plan without regard to insurability (no medical exam). Here are actual rates for a $250,000 10-year policy for a male and female non-smoker in health:

Applicant Age GroupMale Non-SmokerFemale Non-Smoker

For an accurate quote for your actual age, please fill out the instant term quote form on the right side of this page.


Whole Life Insurance


Individuals that prefer Whole Life Insurance typically purchase it because of the guarantees and benefits that come with every whole life policy.

  • Coverage for a lifetime 
  • Your policy cannot be canceled except for non-payment
  • Your premium will never go up. Not for any reason
  • Cash value that grows tax-deferred

Universal Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance (UL) was designed for individuals who want choices. The UL policy offers coverage for a lifetime or can be structured to provide coverage to a certain age.

Universal Life policies offer flexible premiums and death benefits to accommodate the life events of the policyholder. UL insurance, like whole life insurance, accumulates cash value that earns a minimum interest specified by the insurance company and can be accessed for any reason by the policyholder.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance provides partial income for people in the event of illness or injury. Illness and injury are responsible for the majority of disabilities, including common conditions like heart disease and arthritis, which are not typically covered by workers’ compensation insurance.

Disability benefits are often provided by employers for their employees. Short-term coverage provides for insurance to be rapidly utilized after an accident, while long-term coverage will provide financial protection for disability issues that may last over a period of years. An employer can also provide more coverage on top of the disability benefits if an employee agrees to pay for it themselves.

If you are self-employed or your employer does not offer disability income insurance, you should consider an individual disability insurance policy so that a considerable amount of your income will be replaced by the insurance company in the event that you are disabled

What Guardian’s Customers are Saying

guardian life insurance company feedback One of the best ways to determine if Guardian Life offers good customer service and lives up to its promises is to find out what current and former customers are saying about the company. Here’s what we found: 

  • The BBB rates Guardian A+
  • rates them 4 Stars
  • rates them 4.5 Stars
  • J. D. Power rates Guardian 3 Stars


The Bottom Line

Guardian Life is one of those insurance companies that just doesn’t seem to disappoint people. If your preferred insurance carrier should offer many different products, have competitive rates, offer outstanding customer service, and have above-average ratings, Guardian Life will likely be a great fit for you.

For more information about Guardian Insurance Company or if you have other questions, call the insurance professionals at at
(866) 868-0099 during normal business hours or contact us through our website.

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Last Updated on August 15, 2024 by Richard Reich


Richard Reich


Richard Reich

President at Intramark Insurance Services

In my 30+ years as an independent life and disability insurance broker, I have personally assisted thousands of clients with their life and disability insurance needs.

I believe that when people shop for insurance (or anything else, for that matter) on the Internet, they are looking for a simple, non-intrusive, non-pressure method of doing so.

I strive to treat my prospective clients with the utmost respect and I believe an educated prospect can make the right decision without sales pressure.

Being independent, I represent many highly-rated insurance companies and, because I am not beholden to any one insurance company, my focus is to find the right company and policy for each individual client.

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