Assurity Life Insurance – Company Review

Last Updated: August 31, 2024

About Assurity Life Insurance Company


NOTE: We are not Assurity Life. If you’d like to speak with an Assurityy Life representative, you can call them at (800) 869-0355 or contact them through their website at

Assurity Life Insurance
2000 Q Street
Lincoln NE, 68503

Assurity Life has continuously maintained its mission of helping hardworking people through difficult times, with a heritage dating as far back as 1890. The company provides life insurance, disability and critical illness insurance, and voluntary employee benefits through independent brokers nationwide. Their long-standing commitment to financial strength and stability has consistently earned them outstanding industry ratings.

Being a mutual company is an advantage since it means they have no shareholders or publicly traded stock and that the company’s policyholders share in the ownership of the company; it means Assurity is in business to serve the interests of its policyholders.

Assurity Life’s Financial Ratings

Any life insurer you may be considering should be financially stable and should demonstrate that they are financially strong enough to pay policyholders’ claims well into the future. Consumers who are shopping for life insurance can verify the financial standing of any insurer under consideration by reviewing its ratings from the national rating services.

A- (Excellent) Rating

A.M. Best Company, the insurance industry’s leading independent evaluator, has rated Assurity Life Insurance Company A- (Excellent)* with a stable outlook. This rating is given to companies that, in the opinion of A.M. Best, have an excellent ability to meet their ongoing insurance obligations.

Insurance Products from Assurity Life Insurance Company

Assurity Life understands that individuals and families have different needs, and as such, the company has made certain that its life insurance products are sufficient to meet those needs.

Whether a prospective client needs temporary coverage to replace income when the worst thing happens or lifetime coverage that also builds cash value and can be accessed when needed, Assurity has a solution available in its insurance portfolio of products.

Term Life Insurance

A Term life insurance policy provides guaranteed life insurance benefits over a selected period of time. Assurity’s LifeScape Term policies are available for applicants aged 18 to 74 and can be purchased for policy terms of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years.

These term life options offer ideal solutions for individuals who want affordable life insurance protection during times when the need outweighs the budget, such as marriage, a new home, or welcoming a child into the family.

Assurity’s LifeScape Term policy can easily be converted to permanent life insurance during the conversion period, which begins on the policy’s issue date and concludes one year prior to the end of the level term period for the 10-year plan or two years prior to the end of the level term period for the 15-, 20-, and 30-year plans.

When converting to one of Assurity’s permanent policies, the policyholder will not be required to prove insurability, which is a critical privilege if the policyholder has health issues.

Here is a sample of actual term rates from Assurity for a $250,000 20-year term policy for a very healthy male or female non-smoker:

Age of ApplicantMale Non-SmokerFemale Non-Smoker

For accurate rates for your actual age, please click the term life button on the right side of this page.

Whole Life Insurance

The primary difference between whole life insurance and term insurance is that whole life provides coverage that lasts a lifetime, with a cash accumulation component that can be accessed for any reason via policy loans or withdrawals.

Assurity’s LifeScape Whole Life is available as a single premium whole life or fully underwritten whole life policy that can be paid monthly.

The fully underwritten whole life insurance policy from Assurity comes with guaranteed premiums, a guaranteed death benefit, and guaranteed cash value accumulation. The policyholder can also earn dividends from the company because LifeScape Whole Life is a participating policy,

Whole life insurance remains a popular choice for individuals and families because of three primary benefits:

  1. The insurance company cannot cancel the policy for any reason other than non-payment of premium.
  2. The periodic premium cannot be increased by the insurer for any reason.
  3. The policy cash value account will earn a minimum rate of interest that is stated in the policy contract.

Universal Life Insurance

Assurity’s Universal Life policy is permanent life insurance that offers flexible premium and death benefit options and costs much less than whole life insurance.

The Assurity universal life policy also comes with a five-year no-lapse coverage guarantee so that your policy will not lapse during that time (provided that you pay your premiums according to the schedule). The policy is available for applicants aged 18 to 85, and the LifeScape Universal Life policy from Assurity pays a minimum guaranteed interest rate of 3%.

The policyholder can access the funds in the cash account for any reason by taking non-taxable policy loans or partial or total surrender for cash,

Optional riders for Assurity Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance applicants who want to broaden their insurance coverage and add additional benefits are invited to do so by taking advantage of optional insurance riders offered by Assurity:

  • Accelerated Benefits Rider (INCLUDED)
  • Disability Waiver of Premium Rider
  • Endowment Benefit Rider (ROP)
  • Other Insured Level Term Rider
  • Monthly Disability Income Rider
  • Accident-Only Disability Income Rider
  • Critical Illness Benefit Rider
  • Children’s Term Rider



Other Stand-Alone Insurance Products offered by Assurity

In line with Assurity Life’s mission to help individuals and families through tough life events, the company offers several individual products in addition to its life insurance portfolio.

  • Disability Income – Provides a monthly income if you are injured or ill and unable to work.
  • Critical Illness Insurance – Provides a lump sum payment if the policyholder is diagnosed with a covered critical illness. 
  • Accidental Death Insurance – Accidental death insurance provides affordable life insurance protection that pays a benefit if you die as a result of an accident. This coverage will pay in addition to traditional life insurance.
  • Annuities – Annuities are tax-deferred investments that are designed to help individuals and families with retirement planning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What life insurance products does Assurity offer? 

Assurity offers Term, Whole Life, and Universal life insurance policies. They also provide Disability Insurance, Accidental Death insurance, and critical illness insurance.

What are Assurity’s financial ratings?

A.M. Best Company, the insurance industry’s leading independent evaluator, has rated Assurity Life Insurance Company A- (Excellent) with a stable outlook. This rating is given to companies that, in the opinion of A.M. Best, have an excellent ability to meet their ongoing insurance obligations.

Does Assurity Life offer low-cost term life insurance?” 

Assurity’s term insurance rates start at less than $15 a month for a $250,000 20-year policy, which is very competitive.

What is Assurity Life’s email address for customer service?” 

You can send customer service requests or ask for information at For a free and confidential quote for any type of life insurance, contact

For more information about Assurity Life Insurance Company, or if you have other insurance questions, call the insurance professionals at at (866) 868-0099 during normal business hours or contact us through our website.

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Last Updated on August 31, 2024 by Richard Reich


Richard Reich


Richard Reich

President at Intramark Insurance Services

In my 30+ years as an independent life and disability insurance broker, I have personally assisted thousands of clients with their life and disability insurance needs.

I believe that when people shop for insurance (or anything else, for that matter) on the Internet, they are looking for a simple, non-intrusive, non-pressure method of doing so.

I strive to treat my prospective clients with the utmost respect and I believe an educated prospect can make the right decision without sales pressure.

Being independent, I represent many highly-rated insurance companies and, because I am not beholden to any one insurance company, my focus is to find the right company and policy for each individual client.

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